The Brihadisvara Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva in Gangaikonda Cholapuram, Jayankondam, in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Completed in 1035 AD by Rajendra Chola I as a part of his new capital, this Chola dynasty era temple is similar in design, and has a similar name, as the older 11th century, Brihadeeswarar Temple about 70 kilometres (43 mi) to the southwest in Thanjavur.
With lush green landscapes surrounding it, the temple established by Rajendra Chola holds richly carved sculptures of Mahisasuramardini, Nataraja, Ardhanariswara and Chandikeshwara. There is also a massive monolith of Nandi and two majestic Dwarpalas guarding the entrance. The temple complex is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site grouping of Chola Temples and makes for a fascinating visit.
The site is a fine example of Chola architecture and encapsulated a very integral period of the dynasty's rule. The temple has sculptures of exceptional quality; the bronze sculptures of Bhogasakti and Subrahmanya are Chola masterpieces of metal while the Saurapitha (Solar altar),
ASI unearthed remains of a ruined palace built by Rajendra Chola at a site southwest of the town; the area is currently under their protection. While here, try and pay a visit to the palace too. Legend states that once, during his travel, when he had conquered several northern kingdoms, the king brought back water from the holy River Ganga here in a golden pot as a sacrifice to Shiva. As a mark of celebration.